Posts by Deborah Drake
Say “yes” to your temper and a Healthy Sense of Self
Editor’s Note: There are many ways to describe a healthy Sense of Self and how it might self-express. HySoS strives to get more people thinking about the question: Do they live life with a Healthy Sense of Self. Barb Abelhauser who writes a daily blog “The View from a Drawbridge” offers an interesting twist on…
Read MoreRestoring a Sense of Self You’ll Feel the Heat!
Last week April 19 2016 was a record breaking day of heat. The first of two in a row. Seattle (where I reside) is known for rain, not heat! Morning news reported that the day as one of the hottest day on record since 1956. “What a metaphor for doing self-development work,” I thought. Imagine…
Read MoreDear Parents, do you help your child shape their self-story?
Most parents intuitively know that children need to feel good about themselves to be happy and to progress in life – the same applies to adults – but practically speaking, how does this work? What do we need to be doing or saying to our children to ensure that they grow up to be happy…
Read MoreA View from A Drawbridge’s: Body Signals
Editor’s Note: For more than a year now I have been following the daily postings of a Seattle Bridgetender whose blog The View From a Drawbridge makes me ponder both sacred and mundane insights before starting my day. A bridgetender has a lot of time on their hands to consider the past, the present, and…
Read MoreDoes human happiness depend on filtering out the negative things in life?
“You drop a glass while making breakfast. You get stuck in traffic on your way to work. Your boss yells at you for being late. Congratulations! You’re having a bad morning. It happens to everyone, at one time or another. But how we react to the bad things in life reveals a lot about our…
Read MoreHarbingers of health in the new year.
The new year may be still very new, and I am ready for Spring already. I search for the first flowers that break through the hard cold ground of winter each time I take a walk. Symbolically, crocuses and snow bells are harbingers of seasonal renewal for me. I remember fondly when I was young,…
Read MoreAnxiety and the holidays: 13 ways to cope.
Dear Author of this blog post: Thank you for a thoughtful, well-paced, and compassionate post: Lots of insights. Lots of wisdom. I appreciate your discernment too. “Remember that part of their personality is the anxiety. Remember that part of them, the compilation of life experiences that they are made of, is the anxiety. It can…
Read MoreMolly Ringwald: Living life by her own design and wise beyond her years.
“We all know someone who’s been in therapy for years, who is tuned into their every slightest motivation, impulse, and emotion, and yet who at the same time remains painfully oblivious (or uninterested in) how other people are feeling. Raising a child who is emotionally aware, yet not destined to become an egotist, takes finesse,…
Read MoreThe Path to Love leads us home to our Self
In a matter of days, I will be off to Colorado for a week long retreat that will test me to the core. A retreat that I am looking forward to–completely. I find myself growing excited (not anxious) as I leave for a much anticipated vacation to an exotic place. This exotic place though is…
Read MoreThought of the Day: Parents as first teachers
Our parents are our first teachers whether they do so actively or passively. Depending on their emotional intelligence and motivations for becoming a parent, we may not naturally develop a sense of our self, or embrace the idea that it is our birthright to live a life as we choose.
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