Why some people never get depressed! Part 1 of 5

I. My Own Experience With Depression Forced Me to Find Answers. The following 5 blog posts are a comment on an article in the online BBC News Magazine of 1/31/2012 in which Geoff Watts asks: “Why do some people never get depressed?” Actually, I have an answer! My answer is based on 25 years of…

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“Working with Antoinetta Vogels has provided me powerful insight into my own physical and psychological ailments.  Through frequent discussions with her, I am learning to find and restore my sense of Self.  Antoinetta is extremely passionate about her work in helping others, and she frequently takes time out to check-in with how I am doing,…

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The allegory of The Castle of Enmeshment

Far away, in a country hidden in a valley covered by fog, lies a village called Struggletown. It’s a village like any other and most villagers live a reasonably happy life: they work, do what needs to be done and on the weekends they usually find small pockets of time to do what they truly…

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Our Hidden Goals are what keeps the War going

Today, as I was struggling for peace of mind and tranquility in my soul by trying to find a balance between ‘me doing’ and ‘me being’, I thought how wonderful it would be if I were strong enough to stand up against the drive that keeps me in the ’doing’ mode most of the day.…

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Insomnia, a blessing disguised as a curse

Insomnia interferes with a lot in your life but it is also a great way to get to your real self (I experienced). As such it is a blessing disguised as a curse….I have a long history of “perceived Loss/Lack of Sense of Self if not professionally active”, to the point of 20 years of…

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