Why Some People Never Suffer from Depression

suffer from depression

Have you ever wondered why some people never suffer from depression? Confronted with some of life’s upsetting experiences (i.e., marriage breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, failure of any kind) many people suffer from depression. But others don’t. Why is this? I’ve been studying myself and my thoughts for over 30 years – wanting to understand a debilitating…

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Is Your Stressful Vacation an Opportunity for Growth?

stressful vacation

What Happens to You During a Stressful Vacation? I recently traveled halfway across the country to visit extended family whom I hadn’t seen in years. I felt anxious at the prospect of getting reacquainted with several people at once. At the same time, I felt virtuous (look at me, making an effort!). But instead of…

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5 New Insights to Help You Overcome Impostor Syndrome

impostor syndrome

Impostor Syndrome Happens to the Best of Us I have been scared of writing for years, but I didn’t always feel this way. When I was in elementary school, I wrote compulsively: plays, short stories, poetry, even the start of a novel. I read voraciously, and all the public librarians knew me by name. My…

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The Valuable Art of Healthy Self-forgiveness


The Art of Self-forgiveness The self-healing process often begins with self-forgiveness and will only be possible if you’re able to fill yourself up with a stronger Sense of Self. And over the years, we’ve noticed there’s definitely an art to self-forgiveness.  It all starts with becoming aware of who you are and why you behave…

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Does Social Media Determine Your Self-worth?


Why do you use social media? Is social media only a place to connect with friends from the past, promote our new brands, or go on political rants? Do we use it to determine our self-worth, too? Have you ever caught yourself allowing Facebook or Instagram to be your source of fulfillment when you needed…

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How to Learn and Embrace Your True Purpose

You’ll find your true purpose when you discover your true Self. Has anyone seen the new Wonder Woman movie yet? I loved it. It boasted a well-paced story, fun stunts, and a welcome multidimensional female lead. Reviewers have described the film as buoyant, inspiring, and empowering. But even though I enjoyed the movie, I didn’t…

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