The subconscious sense—developed normally in childhood—of being alive as a “real,” definite person, with the unconditional right to exist as you are, regardless of what others think, feel, or say about you.
It is a never-failing, mostly subconscious (and occasionally conscious,) inner knowing or a steady, always-present, usually subliminal awareness of being physically, mentally, and emotionally “present” in/as your own individual being who is emotionally, mentally as well as physically distinct from anyone else.
This Sense of Self needs to be developed to a healthy extent at the naturally appropriate timing in a person’s life for it to grow to be inherent to the person, so he/she never doubts it and is never without its influence or support from his or her subconscious mind.
A Natural Sense of Self is an always-present awareness of being an entity all by yourself, of having an “inner home base”/resource/touchstone that does not need to be earned and is not dependent on any achievement or approval, and as such, is not subject to Annihilation like a Substitute Sense of Self is.
Once developed, it always abides in and affects us from our subconscious mind. It provides a base of freedom from which to live, act, and feel, while still being an enduring “myself”
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