Is Perfectionism Feeding Your Addiction to Approval?

perfectionism addiction to approval

Striving to be perfect is a learned behavior based on an addiction to approval. Perfectionism is all about analyzing what you contribute or achieve and believing it isn’t good enough.  Perfectionism is a strategy to feed the addiction to approval. Why is that? Not because it really is not good enough, but because of your…

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Stay Connected to Your Authentic Self!

stay connected to your authentic self

I would like to acknowledge the changing global reality caused by the outbreak of this coronavirus and how it may affect your sense of self. The immense threat to our health causes us to worry way beyond what’s good for us.   How now can we distinguish all the hype from reality and truth? What can…

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Is Self-Sabotaging Behavior Causing Your Insomnia?

cure for insomnia

Add insomnia to the list of self-sabotaging behavior. Tossing and turning . . . struggling to calm your racing thoughts, and watching the hours crawl by at night . . . Living with insomnia is a lonely and stressful experience.  Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you’re being punished for not knowing how to just “let…

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3 Techniques to Help You Cope with Stressful Situations

stressful situations

Autumn is a time of transition; a time for big change and uncertainty. The “back to school” season can also bring on unwanted anxiety and stressful situations. Fall sometimes harbors a certain emptiness that can leave us feeling exposed and anxious for what’s next . . . The Oxford dictionary defines anxiety as “a feeling of…

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Why Some People Never Suffer from Depression

suffer from depression

Have you ever wondered why some people never suffer from depression? Confronted with some of life’s upsetting experiences (i.e., marriage breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, failure of any kind) many people suffer from depression. But others don’t. Why is this? I’ve been studying myself and my thoughts for over 30 years – wanting to understand a debilitating…

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How Self-Love Saved My Life When Nothing Else Could

childhood emotional neglect

This is the story of my journey to self-love. Self-love is a journey inward. It’s the long path to finding out who we want to be and returning to who we truly are. It’s the most important journey we must take if we want to be happy in life.    Self-love isn’t just going on…

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