Posts Tagged ‘self-confidence’
How to Teach Your Children to Love Themselves Unconditionally
Learning to teach your children to express themselves and love themselves unconditionally takes time and effort, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for a child. All of us experienced moments in childhood where we felt like our parents weren’t listening to us, didn’t understand what we were going through, or…
Read MoreHow to Stay Aligned with Your Authentic, True Self at Work
You’re in a meeting at work. Ideas are being thrown around at random. It’s chaotic and nobody’s listening to each other. Have you ever been in a situation like this? If so, how did you feel? How did you respond? What were you thinking about the other people? Were you aligned with your true self?…
Read MoreHow Self-Love Saved My Life When Nothing Else Could
This is the story of my journey to self-love. Self-love is a journey inward. It’s the long path to finding out who we want to be and returning to who we truly are. It’s the most important journey we must take if we want to be happy in life. Self-love isn’t just going on…
Read More5 New Insights to Help You Overcome Impostor Syndrome
Impostor Syndrome Happens to the Best of Us I have been scared of writing for years, but I didn’t always feel this way. When I was in elementary school, I wrote compulsively: plays, short stories, poetry, even the start of a novel. I read voraciously, and all the public librarians knew me by name. My…
Read MoreHow to Align Your Vision for Personal Success with Your Values
What does your vision for personal success look like? The definition of personal success is different for everyone, right? So to define yours, imagine that you’re on your deathbed. You have lived to old age, and your exhausted body is succumbing, breath by breath, to the decisive blow. In your final interval of clarity, you…
Read MoreDoes Social Media Determine Your Self-worth?
Why do you use social media? Is social media only a place to connect with friends from the past, promote our new brands, or go on political rants? Do we use it to determine our self-worth, too? Have you ever caught yourself allowing Facebook or Instagram to be your source of fulfillment when you needed…
Read MoreHow to Learn and Embrace Your True Purpose
You’ll find your true purpose when you discover your true Self. Has anyone seen the new Wonder Woman movie yet? I loved it. It boasted a well-paced story, fun stunts, and a welcome multidimensional female lead. Reviewers have described the film as buoyant, inspiring, and empowering. But even though I enjoyed the movie, I didn’t…
Read MoreCurriculum Considerations for a Healthy Sense of Self in Schools
Are schools doing anything about childhood development outside of the classroom? We are not confident that the leadership from our new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, will help. Her guiding policies have been “any school but a public school is better” and her employment history in Detroit attests to that. Sadly, nontraditional schools in Detroit are…
Read MoreHow to Set Clear Objectives for Yourself
People with a Healthy Sense of Self have many advantages. The art of setting clear objectives is one of them. If you don’t have to spend a lot of time and energy finding your Self, you have lots of spare time, attention, and energy to fine tune the issues in your life. That pays off.…
Read MoreDo You Use Creative Visualization for a Healthy Sense of Self?
Have you ever heard someone say they were using visualization and affirmations to “manifest” things in their life? What does that even mean? To find out how you too can create the life you want using these techniques, keep reading. What does it mean to practice creative visualization? Creative visualization is exactly what it sounds…
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