How to Help Your Child Develop Healthy Self-Esteem

teach your child self-esteem

When you think of the child you love, you probably envision a bright future for them, right? We all want our children to develop healthy self-esteem.   One of the most precious gifts you can give your child is healthy self-esteem. It will empower them to feel confident, valued, and prepared for challenges as they…

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Are You Ready to Release Your Addiction to Approval?

approval-seeking behavior

How do you know if you are struggling with approval-seeking behavior? If you feel stuck in your personal and/or professional life, it may partially be due to approval-seeking behavior or an “addiction to approval.” Are you reliable? Flexible? What about caring, confident, and assertive? Do you play well with others? Whether the approval of others…

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Here Are 7 Valuable Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Mind

personal success

Spring has arrived at last and with it come longer days and soaring spirits—looking forward to warmer temperatures. Maybe even putting on a favorite pair of shorts? But not everyone will enjoy boundless joy this spring. In the U.S., the National Institute of Mental Health reports that about 1 in 4 adults will experience mental…

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Ready to Start Building Strong Self-Confidence?

strong self-confidence

Why do some people seem to have all the strong self-confidence? The self-assured colleague, the optimistic best friend, the sibling who has it all together: Do you ever feel surrounded by people who seem to have all the strong self-confidence? Doesn’t it sometimes seem like they’re just sailing through life on their buoyant self-worth, while…

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What Is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does It Matter?

emotional intelligence

Have you heard of “emotional intelligence,” or EI for short? It’s a hot topic these days, and with good reason.  So, what exactly is emotional intelligence? It has a lot to do with self-awareness. For some people, self-awareness comes naturally, for others it may take some practice. Wherever you’re starting from, you can always improve…

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Who Am I: Developing a Better Sense of Self

Who am I? is the most important Self awareness question you can ask as you traverse your life’s journey.  We talk about politics, sports, celebrities, and the current pandemic and Covid-19 crisis. But we don’t wonder who and what we actually ARE. We don’t focus on our own self awareness. We wonder how we can…

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Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you

Why is “who I am” so often based on “how I look”? The media is flooded with messages of what constitutes ideal beauty. We just have to turn on the television, open a fashion or beauty magazine, log into Facebook, and we see multiple images of women and men who are supposed to represent some…

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Where does mental strength come from?

a little girl plays superhero

Dear Reader, Here are three questions for you to ponder: What exactly is mental strength? Where does it come from? And, if you want more of it, how can you get it? According to Amy Morin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Writer at LifeHack, there are 13 things mentally tough people don’t do. She clearly struck a…

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