Who Am I: Developing a Better Sense of Self

Who am I? is the most important Self awareness question you can ask as you traverse your life’s journey.  We talk about politics, sports, celebrities, and the current pandemic and Covid-19 crisis. But we don’t wonder who and what we actually ARE. We don’t focus on our own self awareness. We wonder how we can…

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Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you

Why is “who I am” so often based on “how I look”? The media is flooded with messages of what constitutes ideal beauty. We just have to turn on the television, open a fashion or beauty magazine, log into Facebook, and we see multiple images of women and men who are supposed to represent some…

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Harbingers of health in the new year.

The new year may be still very new, and I am ready for Spring already. I search for the first flowers that break through the hard cold ground of winter each time I take a walk. Symbolically, crocuses and snow bells are harbingers of seasonal renewal for me. I remember fondly when I was young,…

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Will you let your children choose their own path?

In early February, I spent a week in Olympia, WA with my daughter who would spend the week as a Page in the Washington State Senate. Her intention to be a Senate Page was set in motion in May the year before by an eighth grade field trip to the Capitol City. I happily tagged…

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Where does mental strength come from?

a little girl plays superhero

Dear Reader, Here are three questions for you to ponder: What exactly is mental strength? Where does it come from? And, if you want more of it, how can you get it? According to Amy Morin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Writer at LifeHack, there are 13 things mentally tough people don’t do. She clearly struck a…

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