Stay Connected to Your Authentic Self!

stay connected to your authentic self

I would like to acknowledge the changing global reality caused by the outbreak of this coronavirus and how it may affect your sense of self. The immense threat to our health causes us to worry way beyond what’s good for us.   How now can we distinguish all the hype from reality and truth? What can…

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Ready to Overcome Your Fear of Change?

fear of change

Why do some of us struggle so much with change? A particularly relevant question in the current coronavirus disease situation we’re all facing. What’s the reasoning behind this fear of change? Keep reading for a few powerful techniques you can use to overcome this illusory fear . . .  Think back to the last time…

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3 Techniques to Help You Cope with Stressful Situations

stressful situations

Autumn is a time of transition; a time for big change and uncertainty. The “back to school” season can also bring on unwanted anxiety and stressful situations. Fall sometimes harbors a certain emptiness that can leave us feeling exposed and anxious for what’s next . . . The Oxford dictionary defines anxiety as “a feeling of…

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Why Some People Never Suffer from Depression

suffer from depression

Have you ever wondered why some people never suffer from depression? Confronted with some of life’s upsetting experiences (i.e., marriage breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, failure of any kind) many people suffer from depression. But others don’t. Why is this? I’ve been studying myself and my thoughts for over 30 years – wanting to understand a debilitating…

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5 New Insights to Help You Overcome Impostor Syndrome

impostor syndrome

Impostor Syndrome Happens to the Best of Us I have been scared of writing for years, but I didn’t always feel this way. When I was in elementary school, I wrote compulsively: plays, short stories, poetry, even the start of a novel. I read voraciously, and all the public librarians knew me by name. My…

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8 Healthy New Ways to Practice Self-Care

practice self-care

When you have an endless to-do list, tons of meetings, and other crucial commitments, taking the time to practice self-care is usually placed on the back burner. This is a huge reason why we often feel stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out. Need some help getting back on track? We’ve rounded up eight healthy habits to…

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8 Ways to Let Go of Your Stress and Anxiety


Do you ever stress about how to overcome anxiety? Stress happens to everyone. And things sure can get overwhelming when you start delving into the root causes of anxiety. But talking about it with someone, building healthy relationships, and learning to recognize your own internal voice are all valuable actions that can help develop a…

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A Direct versus an Indirect Relationship with your Self

Throughout the majority of my life I had an “indirect” relationship with myself. An indirect relationship is where you experience your Self through achievements, e.g. conditions to fulfill, tasks to complete, or trying to be perfect. I am currently working on having a “direct” relationship with myself. Recently I had awareness of this while driving to the…

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