Are you a Workaholic? Here’s Some Sense of Self Advice

Antoinetta Vogels

When I was younger, I had no idea that my life was not supposed to be about performing perfectly so I could feel good about myself. I don’t mean to say that doing things well so you feel satisfied is wrong. Absolutely not. But if feeling good about yourself becomes compulsive, meaning you can’t compromise on…

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Is Perfectionism Feeding Your Addiction to Approval?

perfectionism addiction to approval

Striving to be perfect is a learned behavior based on an addiction to approval. Perfectionism is all about analyzing what you contribute or achieve and believing it isn’t good enough.  Perfectionism is a strategy to feed the addiction to approval. Why is that? Not because it really is not good enough, but because of your…

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What Happens When Nobody Talks About Mental Illness?

mental illness

How many more self-inflicted deaths will it take to finally destigmatize mental illness in this country? As illustrated in a popular Ted-Ed Talk, 10 percent of American adults struggle with depression. Focusing our attention exclusively on outward manifestations of depression and mental illness, one of the most extreme examples being suicide, means we’re missing the…

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Ready to Overcome Your Fear of Change?

fear of change

Why do some of us struggle so much with change? A particularly relevant question in the current coronavirus disease situation we’re all facing. What’s the reasoning behind this fear of change? Keep reading for a few powerful techniques you can use to overcome this illusory fear . . .  Think back to the last time…

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Why Some People Never Suffer from Depression

suffer from depression

Have you ever wondered why some people never suffer from depression? Confronted with some of life’s upsetting experiences (i.e., marriage breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, failure of any kind) many people suffer from depression. But others don’t. Why is this? I’ve been studying myself and my thoughts for over 30 years – wanting to understand a debilitating…

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5 New Insights to Help You Overcome Impostor Syndrome

impostor syndrome

Impostor Syndrome Happens to the Best of Us I have been scared of writing for years, but I didn’t always feel this way. When I was in elementary school, I wrote compulsively: plays, short stories, poetry, even the start of a novel. I read voraciously, and all the public librarians knew me by name. My…

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What Is the Motivation Behind Your Decision-Making Process?


Do you know the truth behind the decision-making process? Have you ever thought about what motivates you to take action? If you’re like many people, you may respond with overarching ambitions like success, happiness, or self-fulfillment. Maybe when it comes to decision-making you have specific goals aligned with these generalized aspirations. Do you want to…

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