Thought of the Day: Saturday, June 9th, 2012
Magic Formula to help YOU turn into YOUR SELF, coming up! Next Monday!
Anticipating our Blog entry for next week I invite you to memorize the crucial formula of the Sense of Self -Method: “Feel-good-about-Self.”
The idea being that many of us continue working until we “feel-good-about-ourselves.” We then mistake that feeling or sensation for our Self-experience.
The SoS Method aims at helping people to get from this addiction to a “feel-good-about-Self” to ” Truly Sensing your Self” which you do not have to work for and which is the “home” you are always looking for in your Self.
Now the pun is that I discovered that both the problem and the solution can be caught in changing a few words from the crucial concept of “Feel-good-about-Self”, that in fact is the root cause of so many problems, because it is an addiction and because in the process you have not been developing the true way of sensing your Self.
Here is the formula: Take “Feel-good-about-Self,” cross out the word “about” and put in parenthesis the word “good”. What is it that is left: Feel Self or in other words: Sense your Self.
Now you have solved a big part of the human condition as a great variety of problems are rooted in the fact that we do not have a healthy Sense of Self. Restoring Your Sense of Self leads to a healthier, happier, more productive and more successful YOU!
Check out our Blog that will give insight on how to go about.