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Help for Self-Helpers

Self Help


HySoS and the missing link for Self-Helpers

Healthy Sense of Self has the answer to the missing link in the information you need to heal your Self!

Have you taken notice of how many self-help books exist today? The topics range from physical and emotional well-being to methods for promoting creativity, prosperity, and improving the everyday quality of our lives Books allow us to share our experiences and isn’t it great that through books we can learn so much from each other?.

This website is based on the Sense of Self (SoS) Method outlined in Healthy Sense of Self, one of these self-help books that was written after years of challenges that were followed by self-understanding. The SoS Method points to the importance of the ability to sense your Self and helps you to discover or improve the ways to do that. Applying its principles can bring you in touch with who you really are, deep inside. It helps you to also understand where the roots of the beliefs your behaviors are based on come from and whether they are healthy and serving you well—and what to do if they are not.

People who are used to reading self-help books are often used to looking inside themselves to find solutions for issues where others expect help predominantly or partially from medications and/or therapies. Sometimes these remedies can give a lot of relief, but we tend to be all too eager to believe we need help from outside sources for every ailment or dysfunction we might be subject to.

But many Self-helpers know that pharmaceutical methods don’t promote real change. Medications often maintain a status-quo or mask the underlying condition by merely treating the symptoms, or covering up pain and discomfort. When taking these medications there may not even be a need to search for the root cause anymore, but if we want lasting health there needs to be!

Successful Self-helpers realize and accept the fact that the patterns of our thinking and behaving are tenacious and tough to change. That it takes courage, time, dedication, and trust to finally end up with enough Sense of Self and Self-worth to make our minds and bodies the happy campers they were meant to be.

Successful Self-helpers know that if we are willing to invest in ourselves for the long haul, healing means shifting those behaviors and thinking patterns that no longer serve their original purpose. Healing means making different decisions about letting ourselves be ruled by the coping mechanisms that worked for us as young people but that, as adults, continue to kick into gear automatically as if we had not grown up and out of the circumstances of our youth—as if they still produced the same results for us, now that we are adults.

If you have not been as successful with other self-help methods as you wished, I believe that for many of you Self-helpers, there might still be a missing link in your knowledge. Maybe you have already done so much to improve your quality of life, your health, or your relationships. And most likely, those of you who are parents are doing the best you can to think through the issues in child-rearing because you really want the very best for your children. But somehow a crucial insight is still missing from your Self-education.

HealthySenseofSelf will fill you in here. The SoS Method aims at helping you help your Self by strengthening the relationship you have with your Self. Many of the issues you may be plagued by will decrease or even disappear by actively and consciously acknowledging your Self and living life as your true Self, This will not only make you a happier, healthier, and more productive person but it will reflect on the people in your environment as well. This site invites you to look at how you sense your Self and help you to gain a Restored Sense of Self™.

*I, Antoinetta Vogels, author of Healthy Sense of Self and creator of the Sense of Self Method, am neither a medical doctor, nor a psychologist, but I share my SoS Method with you as it has helped me to greatly improve my own life and that of my family; it can do the same for you.

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