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HealthySenseofSelf, debuting at #MBS13 2013 in London

DATE: October 25, 2013

Press Release – New Book Release in the U.K.  at #MBS13                                                               

Would you like to get a good night sleep, no matter what?

HealthySenseofSelf, LLC debuting at Mind Body Soul Experience 2013 in London

HEALTHYSENSEOFSELF’s founder  Antoinetta Vogels introduces her debut self-help work at the Mind Body Soul Experience 2013. The work is entitled: Healthy Sense of Self – How to be true to your Self and make your world a better place! The book is the result of Antoinetta Vogels’ holistic approach to curing herself from severe insomnia, issues with anger and the addiction to approval, based on a thorough investigation of her own motivation.

“Do you have what it takes to be your Self?” is the question this book asks and answers. While many people would immediately answer “yes,” the truth is that many of us live in some degree of denial and don’t live the life they could and should be living!  In her book Vogels shares what she has learned about the misleading strategies of her own inner workings and how she managed to reclaim her life and the ability to sleep. The result is the Sense of Self (SoS) Method which helps people develop an understanding of who they are and why they do what they do, an insight that can lead to getting back in touch with your own Self.

When, after the birth of her first child, a sudden onset of insomnia challenged her, Vogels was determined to say “no to drugs” and get to the bottom of what kept her from a sound and restful sleep. “Sleep is a natural phenomenon,” she told herself. “If thwarted, there must be a reason for it. I am going to find that reason.” What she learned became the basis for her Sense of Self theory, which she then turned into a problem solving method for individuals who suffer from a wide range of ailments, from insomnia to the pain of problems in relationships, from the recovery from addiction to the agony of freeing oneself from other unwanted behavior.

“Healthy Sense of Self” offers a new way of thinking about personal development, and a roadmap for anyone who would like to better understand their own hidden motivations and contradictory goals.” ~Melanie Bigalke, M.B.A. Bainbridge Graduate Institute, Seattle, WA

In early October, the book became available on as a Kindle eBook. Presently the printed book can also be ordered online from and at Please visit  HySoS at booth A07 of the Mind Body Soul Experience (#mbs13) which will take place in the Olympia 2 exhibition hall, of the Olympia Exhibition Center in Kensington London, on October 25-26-27, 2013. The Fair offers attendees 1000 workshops, 200 exhibitors, and visitors seeking to get in touch with their soul by developing a healthy mind and healthy body will find a selection of relaxing therapies and products.

HEALTHYSENSEOFSELF occupies booth A07 where #mbs13 attendees can meet the author, get their printed book signed, and receive a special offer for an eBook, and find out more about HEALTHYSENSEOFSELF’s programs and Mission.


Through HealthySenseOfSelf, LLC, Antoinetta Vogels offers education on what can go wrong with our relationship to Self and because of that, with our relationship  to others, when, in early childhood, we are related to as a pawn in the lives of our caregivers and  not acknowledged as the autonomous person we are. For more information about HealthySenseofSelf, LLC, send your email to, call 425 298-7649 or visit their website at


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