Thought of the Day: January 17, 2013 | John Bradshaw on Healing Shame
“I used to drink, to solve problems causd by drinking. The more I drank the relieve my shame-based loneliness and hurt, the more I felt ashamed. …I came to see that shame is one of the major destructive forces in all human life. In naming shame I began to have power over it.” ~John Bradshaw, Healing the Shame That Binds You
Too often and too many times do I hear another tell a story of growing up in a challenging way-where being made to feel ashamed (at times very subtly) was a means of control. With a Healthy Sense of Self, shame would not work to shut us down. May you find the courage to restore a Sense of Self-if you are feeling you don’t have one. What do you need to be your full self in all your glory and brilliance? ~Deborah Drake, Healthy Sense of Self
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its worth it ! Heal thyself….
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