SNAP out of IT – How to Transmute Anger into Calm

anger into calm

How to Transmute Anger into Calm Are you ready to release yourself from the grip of upset, anger, or rage? Here are crucial strategies to maintain your marriage, nurture your children, AND keep them in your life. When you “snap out of it” you may find that you are better able to contribute positively to…

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Be Free to Be Who You Truly Are

Sense of Self

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on…

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Are you a Workaholic? Here’s Some Sense of Self Advice

Antoinetta Vogels

When I was younger, I had no idea that my life was not supposed to be about performing perfectly so I could feel good about myself. I don’t mean to say that doing things well so you feel satisfied is wrong. Absolutely not. But if feeling good about yourself becomes compulsive, meaning you can’t compromise on…

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Is Perfectionism Feeding Your Addiction to Approval?

perfectionism addiction to approval

Striving to be perfect is a learned behavior based on an addiction to approval. Perfectionism is all about analyzing what you contribute or achieve and believing it isn’t good enough.  Perfectionism is a strategy to feed the addiction to approval. Why is that? Not because it really is not good enough, but because of your…

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What Is a Healthy Sense of Self?

sense of self method

What is a healthy sense of self? Self-confidence, Self-love, Self-worth . . . you need all these to have a good life, right? But what if you no longer have any connection with your sense of SELF at all? What if you have no idea how your “Self” actually feels, who your Self actually is…

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