A conscious or subconscious awareness of existing independently as a unique and potentially autonomous human being and of what intrinsically comes with it in your daily life.
Another way of defining Sense of Self: The subconscious awareness of who you are, of the way you experience your own being, and of what you use to indicate to yourself that you exist.
What is the difference between Self and Sense-of-Self? In other words, can there be a Self (identity, being) within our psyche that we do not have a sense (awareness) of? We note that awareness of your Self is a distinct different process from the existence within your psyche and/or body of such an identity or Being.
This method analyzes Sense of Self, or Self for that matter, dividing it into six components or layers of awareness of Self. The deepest layers are not usually accessible to-, nor recognizable though ordinary consciousness.
There are three versions of Sense of Self analyzed at length in this Method:
– The normal, healthy, natural … Natural Sense of Self or NatSoS
– The unhealthy and distorted … Substitute Sense of Self or SSoS
– The result of healing from an unhealthy distorted Sense of Self … Restored Sense of Self or RestSoS.
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