Healthy Sense of Self, How to be true to your Self and make your world a better place – Live on Kindle!
Dear friends and supporters of Healthy Sense of Self, dear people who would like to know more about the SoS Theory and Method, dear cool people all over the world, young and old, people with a heart on the right place but a big question mark in their mind: how do we do this? How do we create a better life for our Selves? How do we make the world a better place? Dear all the people who want to be done with war and who believe it should be possible to have a lot more cooperation and piece in the world, and compassion and empathy, and tolerance and patience. Dear all of us who crave love and good relationships in their lives; parents who wish they could make friends with their children and children who wish their parent would see them for who they are and respect and love them. Dear fellow human beings, midst the struggle in our lives, I have the guts to state that, if you take this Sense of Self (Note SoS!) – Self-help Program seriously – it can change your world and with that THE WORLD! And it starts with YOU!
It is on Kindle now!