Ready to Overcome Your Fear of Change?

fear of change

Why do some of us struggle so much with change? A particularly relevant question in the current coronavirus disease situation we’re all facing. What’s the reasoning behind this fear of change? Keep reading for a few powerful techniques you can use to overcome this illusory fear . . .  Think back to the last time…

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Is Your Stressful Vacation an Opportunity for Growth?

stressful vacation

What Happens to You During a Stressful Vacation? I recently traveled halfway across the country to visit extended family whom I hadn’t seen in years. I felt anxious at the prospect of getting reacquainted with several people at once. At the same time, I felt virtuous (look at me, making an effort!). But instead of…

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The Valuable Art of Healthy Self-forgiveness


The Art of Self-forgiveness The self-healing process often begins with self-forgiveness and will only be possible if you’re able to fill yourself up with a stronger Sense of Self. And over the years, we’ve noticed there’s definitely an art to self-forgiveness.  It all starts with becoming aware of who you are and why you behave…

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Here Are 7 Valuable Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Mind

personal success

Spring has arrived at last and with it come longer days and soaring spirits—looking forward to warmer temperatures. Maybe even putting on a favorite pair of shorts? But not everyone will enjoy boundless joy this spring. In the U.S., the National Institute of Mental Health reports that about 1 in 4 adults will experience mental…

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Here Are 3 Natural Ways to Help You Sleep Better

overcome insomnia and sleep better

Do you wish you could simply sleep better at night?  In the midnight hours, do you lie there sleep-deprived, worrying about your responsibilities as a parent, wife, sibling, and/or daughter—tossing and turning—wondering if you said and did the right things? Or do you find yourself awake in the wee hours of the morning . .…

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3 Tips for Coping with Stressful Situations

What’s really causing your anxiety? The Oxford dictionary defines anxiety as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” And we all experience nervousness or anxiousness at some point in our lives, but there are some of us who feel these tensions constantly. While the…

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