A View from A Drawbridge’s: Body Signals

Editor’s Note: For more than a year now I have been following the daily postings of a Seattle Bridgetender whose blog The View From a Drawbridge  makes me ponder both sacred and mundane insights before starting my day. A bridgetender has a lot of time on their hands to consider the past, the present, and…

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stressful situations

Does human happiness depend on filtering out the negative things in life?

“You drop a glass while making breakfast. You get stuck in traffic on your way to work. Your boss yells at you for being late. Congratulations! You’re having a bad morning. It happens to everyone, at one time or another. But how we react to the bad things in life reveals a lot about our…

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Understanding your female ancestors to support your Sense of Self

Editor’s Note: If you are a parent or thinking one day you might be one, do you ever consciously consider the legacy you bring to raising children? Do you even know the stories of the women and men in your lineage? March 8, 2016 was International Woman’s Day and Laura Vogels posted this piece on…

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Molly Ringwald: Living life by her own design and wise beyond her years.

“We all know someone who’s been in therapy for years, who is tuned into their every slightest motivation, impulse, and emotion, and yet who at the same time remains painfully oblivious (or uninterested in) how other people are feeling. Raising a child who is emotionally aware, yet not destined to become an egotist, takes finesse,…

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Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you

Why is “who I am” so often based on “how I look”? The media is flooded with messages of what constitutes ideal beauty. We just have to turn on the television, open a fashion or beauty magazine, log into Facebook, and we see multiple images of women and men who are supposed to represent some…

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