The right to bear arms…

America! Give us, well-intentioned citizens, finally a few good reasons why it is so necessary to possess arms. After all, we don’t live in the cowboy era any longer and shooting Indians (with permission) has long been banished. What reasons can possibly justify the disastrous consequences of a situation in which the wrong people are…

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You Are Important - Ebook Offer

Thought of the Day: How people react to being called beautiful

How might you react to being called beautiful? How might our lives be different if we learned from the time we were small to see and sense ourselves as beautiful and worthy from the beginning? Our parents, teachers, and mentors all in cahoots to assure that we developed a Healthy Sense of Self. Capable of…

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Thought of the Day: Parents as first teachers

Our parents are our first teachers whether they do so actively or passively. Depending on their emotional intelligence and motivations for becoming a parent, we may not naturally develop a sense of our self, or embrace the idea that it is our birthright to live a life as we choose.

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Your life is not supposed to be a performance.

It was a good performance – but did you truly LIVE? Theater is fantastic but remember, it has its place. Your life is not supposed to be a performance, but it may have become just that anyway. We all have certain notions of ourselves, about all the things we feel we never became really good…

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Healthy Sense of Self reacts to the Paris Massacre of November 13, 2015

The similarity between fighting another nation, religion, or group and becoming your true self –a reaction to the many terrorist attacks in Paris, Friday November 13th, 2015 People are like a country: they have their own territory. And, just like there are people who think they have the right to take possession of a country…

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