Your life is not supposed to be a performance.

It was a good performance – but did you truly LIVE?

Theater is fantastic but remember, it has its place. Your life is not supposed to be a performance, but it may have become just that anyway.


We all have certain notions of ourselves, about all the things we feel we never became really good at. You suppose that your life would have been totally different if you would have mastered them. For some of us these notions play an important role in our decision-making. They can even become a motive to prove them wrong to an important person in your life or sometimes just to yourself.

They become all consuming. They overtake you. Before you know it, 10-20-30 years have passed and all of a sudden you think:

“What have I done all these years?”

Sometimes you even forget to take care of the simple daily tasks and your house becomes a mess. Or, you realize you did not really consciously choose your job and you’re really just trying to make it work while you’re busy with your “holy quest” – to prove something to yourself. And oh yes, being in a relationship would be wonderful too and maybe even having children someday.

Yet, this sort of stuff doesn’t happen to you if your parents fostered in you a Healthy Sense of Self. With a Healthy Sense of Self you know that you are not dependent on what or how you do things to realize yourself because you know: you ARE already. It is as simple as that. It’s not a matter of life and death to become the best in your field or have the best yard on your street. It’s hard enough work to contribute your part and keep your head above water. Ultimately, your natural talents will show through anyway. While not all of us are “stars”, we are all human; and that is our first responsibility.

It’s not easy to accept that simply being the human we are is our first responsibility, but if you are able to do just that you have a tremendous advantage: you can do what you want and enjoy it. The funny thing is that living this way often shows in your actions and behavior and people notice that. That’s why they love your music better, or the project you developed, or your advice as a doctor or teacher.

It all starts with having a good relationship with your Self.

Do it for you and your children. Lead by example.

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