overcome insomnia

An Effective Tool to Help You Overcome Insomnia

To function properly with whole health and to overcome insomnia, it’s of utmost importance that we get rid of that addictive part in our Self that craves validation/acknowledgment. Living up to those conditions is the one and only thing that makes us feel somewhat satisfied with ourselves.   We are so used to taking other…

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mental illness

What Happens When Nobody Talks About Mental Illness?

How many more self-inflicted deaths will it take to finally destigmatize mental illness in this country? As illustrated in a popular Ted-Ed Talk, 10 percent of American adults struggle with depression. Focusing our attention exclusively on outward manifestations of depression and mental illness, one of the most extreme examples being suicide, means we’re missing the…

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fear of change

Ready to Overcome Your Fear of Change?

Why do some of us struggle so much with change? A particularly relevant question in the current coronavirus disease situation we’re all facing. What’s the reasoning behind this fear of change? Keep reading for a few powerful techniques you can use to overcome this illusory fear . . .  Think back to the last time…

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emotional intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does It Matter?

Have you heard of “emotional intelligence,” or EI for short? It’s a hot topic these days, and with good reason.  So, what exactly is emotional intelligence? It has a lot to do with self-awareness. For some people, self-awareness comes naturally, for others it may take some practice. Wherever you’re starting from, you can always improve…

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stay connected to your authentic self

Stay Connected to Your Authentic Self!

I would like to acknowledge the changing global reality caused by the outbreak of this coronavirus and how it may affect your sense of self. The immense threat to our health causes us to worry way beyond what’s good for us.   How now can we distinguish all the hype from reality and truth? What can…

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