Unleash Readers’ Potential with the Insightful Book about a Woman’s Struggle with Chronic Insomnia

Republished from San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE   Renowned author Antoinetta Vogels has unveiled her groundbreaking self-help book, “Healthy Sense of Self: The Secret to Being Your Best Self,” a transformative guide that empowers readers to unravel the hidden motivations behind their actions, leading to mental clarity, improved health, and the ability to overcome relationship challenges. During…

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cure for insomnia

Is Self-Sabotaging Behavior Causing Your Insomnia?

Add insomnia to the list of self-sabotaging behavior. Tossing and turning . . . struggling to calm your racing thoughts, and watching the hours crawl by at night . . . Living with insomnia is a lonely and stressful experience.  Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you’re being punished for not knowing how to just “let…

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The magic formula

What’s the Magic Formula? Dare to Look within Your Self

What’s the Magic Formula for Your Healthy Sense of Self?  In many of my articles, you learn what a healthy sense of self is and how you can tackle many problems in your life by restoring your Sense of Self (SoS). In this blog article, I want to take a different approach.  Most likely you…

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perfectionism addiction to approval

Is Perfectionism Feeding Your Addiction to Approval?

Striving to be perfect is a learned behavior based on an addiction to approval. Perfectionism is all about analyzing what you contribute or achieve and believing it isn’t good enough.  Perfectionism is a strategy to feed the addiction to approval. Why is that? Not because it really is not good enough, but because of your…

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Stand with Ukraine

War Destroys the Sacred Value of Human Life

It has now been over two months since Russia declared war on Ukraine: the recurring nightmare of many materialized today when we were almost sure that armed conflicts of this nature would never repeat themselves, at least not so close to home. Before the attack, these hostilities seemed to us something distant from us, belonging…

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Antoinetta Vogels

Are you a Workaholic? Here’s Some Sense of Self Advice

When I was younger, I had no idea that my life was not supposed to be about performing perfectly so I could feel good about myself. I don’t mean to say that doing things well so you feel satisfied is wrong. Absolutely not. But if feeling good about yourself becomes compulsive, meaning you can’t compromise on…

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strong self-confidence

Ready to Start Building Strong Self-Confidence?

Why do some people seem to have all the strong self-confidence? The self-assured colleague, the optimistic best friend, the sibling who has it all together: Do you ever feel surrounded by people who seem to have all the strong self-confidence? Doesn’t it sometimes seem like they’re just sailing through life on their buoyant self-worth, while…

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anger into calm

This Is What Happens When Anger Issues Block Your True Self

Are anger issues blocking you from your true Self? Mr. Hyde, the Incredible Hulk, Annie Wilkes from Stephen King’s Misery: what do all these characters have in common? Anger issues. They all have incredibly short tempers and get angry at the drop of a hat. In fact, many compelling characters in film and literature possess…

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practice self-care

How to Find Your Me Time During an Ongoing Pandemic

Find Your Me Time — How to Make time for yourself during the pandemic. Spring is in the air, and for a lot of people, spring break seems daunting or was postponed. You want to go on vacation, but is it actually possible? Do you have enough money? Will you be safe out there? You…

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Essential knowledge

Black History and Crucial Knowledge for Building a Healthy Sense of Self

Dear reader, I am thrilled to introduce you to an essential book by William H.T. Bailey called, Building a Healthy Sense of Self: Essential Knowledge for African People. With his book, Bailey hoped to have provided a resource and healing tool for individuals of African descent who live in a country notorious for racial injustice…

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