Posts Tagged ‘Self’
Dress Codes Hide Midriffs. Do They Hide the Self?
We might be covering up more than just shoulders. There has been a lot of talk lately about dress code in schools, and the debate goes a little something like this: are these rules protecting our young women or are we punishing them for society’s over-sexualization of the female body and preventing them from being themselves? Jezebel…
Read MoreLet’s Be Honest: 5 Things That Happen When You Stop Lying to Yourself
It starts for some when choosing a major in college: you go for the more practical one, not the one you really want to learn about. Instead of art history, you choose law. Then it continues as we grow older: we have to take that job we’re not so passionate about because it pays the bills…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Motivation?
You wake up, brush your teeth, work-out, clean last night’s dishes. You get ready for work, spend 45 minutes driving and the next 8 hours of your life at a messy desk. You come home, cook dinner, sweep the floors, check your email, and fall asleep to Netflix. But why? OK, so the teeth-brushing and…
Read MoreTaking it All Off: How I Came to be OK with Going Bare-faced
Editor’s Note: We launched the first Sense-of-Self Help Online course in Fall of 2014. The online course is our attempt to give people an experience of working through the Sense of Self Method. The online course is based on the book, Healthy Sense of Self — How to be true to your Self and make…
Read MoreWhat We Wish Our Parents Knew When We Were Younger
Even if we had the best upbringing the world has to offer, we’re all sure to have had experienced misunderstandings with our parents and/or caregivers. And many times the conflict we encounter with our parents is due to our desire to become and maintain our truest selves. Our parent(s) may often knowing or…
Read MoreIllustrated Card Set for the Language of the Sense of Self Method
Ego References? Substitute Sense of Self? Vehicles? The terminology used in the Sense of Self Method takes a bit of getting used to. But as you do you begin to see them not just as explanations but as useful tools for recognizing and dealing with circumstances and suppositions that keep you separate from your Healthy…
Read MoreThought of the Day, June 28th 2012
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. From “Hamlet” ~ Shakespeare I want you to be everything that’s you, deep at the center of your being. Confucius
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