Male Eating Disorders: The Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Male Eating Disorders

Male eating disorders may not be as common in our culture, but about 30 million people of both sexes and all ages in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, reports the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). However, while eating disorders affect so many, our understanding of male eating disorders is often quite limited. Helping…

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Happy National Dog Day!

National Dog Day

Celebrated on August 26th, National Dog Day was founded by Colleen Paige in 2004. We’re excited to celebrate National Dog Day as we know that dogs not only improve our overall sense of self, but they protect us in many ways, including acting as service animals to protect us when needed. According to the official National Dog…

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Use Deep Breathing to Soothe Stress, Anxiety

Deep Breathing

Mindful, deep breathing is powerful. You’ve probably been told to stop and take a deep breath a time or two in the past when people have noticed you upset, angry or anxious. And while it doesn’t always seem like the most effective solution to your problems, it IS an effective way of coping with stress…

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#HeidiTrumpsTrump in the Best Possible Way

#HeidiTrumpsTrump and Proves Strength of Sense of Self Not that anyone is really surprised, but Donald Trump recent made a few questionable comments in a New York Time’s interview with columnist Mareen Dowd. In the interview, Trump proves that no one is safe from his harsh comments as he claims that Heidi Klum is somehow…

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Retire Without Compromising Your Self-Esteem

Retire Happily

Retire Happily! In a society where so many of us consider who we are to be based upon what we do, it’s not surprise that many feel a little less whole after retirement. And the more firmly we believe this notion, the harder it can be. Days that were once filled from sun up to way…

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8 Quotes to Help with Anxiety

Those who struggle with anxiety know that facing everyday tasks can be daunting–it can be so challenging to make it to the end of the day without breaking down. Below are several quotes we’ve hand-picked to help you cope on your most anxious days, hours, or minutes. Be sure to save this blog post to…

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NYT Article Displays Effects of Addiction to Approval

Addiction to Approval

Addiction to approval is a huge problem in our society—however, giving it the attention it deserves can make a huge difference for students, parents and universities alike. It is just as Kathryn DeWitt is quoted as saying in the NYT’s article, Campus Suicide and the Pressure of Perfection: “Hearing my parents talk about me in a positive…

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