Insomnia, a blessing disguised as a curse

Insomnia interferes with a lot in your life but it is also a great way to get to your real self (I experienced). As such it is a blessing disguised as a curse….I have a long history of “perceived Loss/Lack of Sense of Self if not professionally active”, to the point of 20 years of…

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Self-Knowledge as a tool against war

Have you ever noticed that you enjoy having power over others? Good willing people are doing their very best to ban from the earth cruel behavior by political decision making and setting up legislations that ensure that Human Rights aren’t being infringed.  We are all horrified by the stories of atrocities. But is being horrified…

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“Antoinetta Vogels gentle counsel on how to restore one’s sense of self (a healthy vibrant one!) continues to empower me to be a more peaceful and accepting person. She has made sense of more chaotic moments for me with humor and compassion and I am truly grateful to work with her.” D.D., Founder of Authentic…

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Leisure Time

My husband’s Cloud Computing Conferences brings me to India. While there is internet in every hotel room and I can work wherever I go, today in Chennai, I choose to spend the morning hours by myself and “unplugged.” We used to call this sort of activity leisure time. The sound of the phrase wakes in…

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Hyper-Efficiency Disorder – Have You Got It?

Imagine with me if you will:  I am sitting here in this private little space, for 5 minutes alone with myself but I will use my time wisely planning and scheduling ahead. I will quickly write up these notes while getting a bite of lunch. The remainder of my lunch break, I’ll go grocery shopping…

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