
Here’s What You Need to Do for Yourself This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Unless you dread the inevitable holiday stress, that is. You’ve been working hard to restore your healthy Sense of Self all year long, and you’ve come a long way with your self-care practice. But when the pressures of the season catch up to you—gift buying, trip planning,…

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approval-seeking behavior

Are You Ready to Release Your Addiction to Approval?

How do you know if you are struggling with approval-seeking behavior? If you feel stuck in your personal and/or professional life, it may partially be due to approval-seeking behavior or an “addiction to approval.” Are you reliable? Flexible? What about caring, confident, and assertive? Do you play well with others? Whether the approval of others…

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align with your true Self

How to Stay Aligned with Your Authentic, True Self at Work

You’re in a meeting at work. Ideas are being thrown around at random. It’s chaotic and nobody’s listening to each other. Have you ever been in a situation like this? If so, how did you feel? How did you respond? What were you thinking about the other people? Were you aligned with your true self?…

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childhood emotional neglect

How Self-Love Saved My Life When Nothing Else Could

This is the story of my journey to self-love. Self-love is a journey inward. It’s the long path to finding out who we want to be and returning to who we truly are. It’s the most important journey we must take if we want to be happy in life.    Self-love isn’t just going on…

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Does Social Media Determine Your Self-worth?

Why do you use social media? Is social media only a place to connect with friends from the past, promote our new brands, or go on political rants? Do we use it to determine our self-worth, too? Have you ever caught yourself allowing Facebook or Instagram to be your source of fulfillment when you needed…

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The Valuable Art of Healthy Self-forgiveness

The Art of Self-forgiveness The self-healing process often begins with self-forgiveness and will only be possible if you’re able to fill yourself up with a stronger Sense of Self. And over the years, we’ve noticed there’s definitely an art to self-forgiveness.  It all starts with becoming aware of who you are and why you behave…

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mental health awareness

Having a Real Conversation About Mental Health Awareness

For Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ve been encouraging people to have a #RealConvo about mental health. To help make it easy, AFSP’s Vice President of Programs, Dr. Doreen Marshall, recorded a series of videos providing guidance on mental health awareness topics. Topics include: how to broach the subject and start a real conversation with someone,…

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suffer from depression

Why Some People Never Suffer from Depression

Have you ever wondered why some people never suffer from depression? Confronted with some of life’s upsetting experiences (i.e., marriage breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, failure of any kind) many people suffer from depression. But others don’t. Why is this? I’ve been studying myself and my thoughts for over 30 years – wanting to understand a debilitating…

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sense of self realization

This Is What Happens When You Move from Addiction to Self-awareness

A Sense of Self-awareness Is Key to Overcoming Addiction Before we get into what Sense of Self-awareness is all about. Let’s talk statistics. Did you know that more than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent with alcohol problems? The numbers are real. Global ramifications on families are severe as alcohol misuse is…

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science of addiction

What Is the Brain Science of Addiction and Habits?

The science of addiction all starts in the brain. Often a behavior that we refer to as an addiction is just an unfavorable habit that hasn’t been addressed. However, there are behaviors that become so ingrained in our brain that they are indistinguishable from addiction. Here’s what you need to know about the science of…

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