Thought of the Day, September 7, 2013

Indirect motivation is a concept that many people have never heard about. Yet, being able to identify it gives you tremendous power to change your life from being its slave into being its master. If you know why you do what you do you have a tool that works miracles. Can you spot the depth…

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Hand with marker writing the word Expectations

Thought of the Day: Linda Zeppa on Expectations

Expectations no more! For reasons beyond my control, I have stopped having expectations. No, I haven’t given up all hope. I have been forced to look at things and allow things in a whole different way. Universe has a strange way of setting out what needs to happen and what we need to experience.

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Thought of the Day: Jim Morrison and Defying Gravity

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on…

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Dear Cory Monteith: So what was really going on for you?

It is always a shock to hear about death that initially has no easy explanation. I saw on the stream of a friend on Facebook that a much loved celebrity was found dead and the cause is as of this writing “undetermined.” My daughter and I have been watching “Glee” for years and I loved the…

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Thought of the Day, Monday, May 27th, 2013

As we are gathering with family and friends for the celebration of this Memorial Weekend, be it under a happily shining sun or in droopy rain, we will find that, for those of us with a Healthy Sense of Self, there will be fun and heartfelt joy when getting together with the folks we do…

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Why Are Children So ALIVE?

I’m staring out the window of the HySoS office into the courtyard and atrium where I spend a good amount of time each week. It is Earth Day and the weather in the Greater Seattle area is cooperating. It is a GLORIOUS day. Blue skies. White clouds. Perfect breeze. A clear view of the Olympics…

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Thought of the Day, March 13, 2013

Why are stories so important for the human species? This is the question Jonathan Gottschall answers in his crisply written book The Storytelling Animal. He points out that since the cave men the story teller knew how to surround himself by people which put him in a position of power. So whether for play or…

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David Schnarch on Relating: Thought of the Day | March 14th 2013

“I don’t expect you to agree with me; you weren’t put on the face of the earth to validate and reinforce me. But I want you to love me – and you can’t really do that if you don’t know me. I don’t want your rejection – but I must face that possibility if I’m…

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Buddha | Thought of the Day: March 7, 2013

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.“- Buddha Are there times that this golden kernel of the Buddha’s seems not to apply to you?  It takes time to recover and often we forget that important detail. May we be gentle with ourselves and especially after life-changing events.    

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Thought of the Day: February 28, 2013 Martha Graham

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will…

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