Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month

HEALTHYSENSEOFSELF’s activities are part of National Recovery Month (Recovery Month), which is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This year, HEALTHYSENSEOFSELF will be observing Recovery Month by raising awareness of related issues through our content. The Substance Abuse and Mental…

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Does Strict Parenting Cause Children to Act Out Later in Life?

When the news broke that Josh Duggar sexual abused his sisters and used the Ashley Madison site, we, like many, were surprised and left with many questions. Why did a man who grew up in a family with such conservative values end up behaving in this outlandish way? Could it be that strict parenting causes children to…

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Back to School

6 Tips For Sending Kids Back to School Stress-Free

The end of August means two things: pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks, and kids are heading back to the classroom. The latter of the two tends to be just a little more stressful. The process can be made easier with just a touch of preparation, however. To help make your family’s transition as smooth as possible,…

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Healthy Sense of Self

Thought of the Day: A Healthy Sense Of Self

8/28/2015: A Healthy Sense of Self is Invaluable!

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Male Eating Disorders

Male Eating Disorders: The Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Male eating disorders may not be as common in our culture, but about 30 million people of both sexes and all ages in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, reports the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). However, while eating disorders affect so many, our understanding of male eating disorders is often quite limited. Helping…

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