Involuntary Emotional Abuse Causes Victims

Healthy Sense of Self’s mission is to reduce child abuse by making parents aware of what can go wrong when they are too self-absorbed. The reasons why a child, a person, would be physically abused may seem very different from those of emotional abuse but the big why’s for this destructive parental behavior may be…

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Holidays Are Supposed to Be Joyful Times, Right?

I don’t know about you, but I always look forward to holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love the food, the music, the peacefulness of the picture-perfection in ads, movies, and images of the Season, the coziness, and safety of family coming together, like circling the wagons in the old days. Most of us are…

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Empty Nest

Goodbyes are not my forte although I don’t find it all that terrible to leave a place. What is difficult is leaving my two daughters with their own lives in a big city like New York. I remember my own journey when I was in my thirties, but now as their mother, it is a…

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Thought of the Day: Parents as first teachers

Our parents are our first teachers whether they do so actively or passively. Depending on their emotional intelligence and motivations for becoming a parent, we may not naturally develop a sense of our self, or embrace the idea that it is our birthright to live a life as we choose.

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Does Strict Parenting Cause Children to Act Out Later in Life?

When the news broke that Josh Duggar sexual abused his sisters and used the Ashley Madison site, we, like many, were surprised and left with many questions. Why did a man who grew up in a family with such conservative values end up behaving in this outlandish way? Could it be that strict parenting causes children to…

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6 Tips For Sending Kids Back to School Stress-Free

Back to School

The end of August means two things: pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks, and kids are heading back to the classroom. The latter of the two tends to be just a little more stressful. The process can be made easier with just a touch of preparation, however. To help make your family’s transition as smooth as possible,…

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