Holiday Season Stress

Christmas and The Holidays – Merry or Scary?

Happy Holidays! We wish each other the best – for clearly nobody has bad intentions. We look forward to seeing our family members and relatives again. We are adamant that this time around it is going to be a great Christmas. We have a present for everyone and “that awesome gadget you found for Uncle…

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SoS Thought of the Day: Your life is going to change.

Editor’s Note: I read a lot for the work that I do for Healthy Sense of Self.  A seemingly random collection of short and long pieces add up to a lot of words read daily–and much like my daily effort to walk 10,000+ steps–it’s a practice that “keeps me curious and engaged with living.” It…

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doctor writing record on folder on desk in office

Going to the doctor? Consult your Self first!

Next time you consult a doctor and go home with your medication or treatment plan make sure you check in with your Self. Find out if you are truly living to manifest your very own Self or if all you have been doing is being the slave of other people’s rules (parents/caregivers included). It might…

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Why do we do what we do? Whose life is it anyway?

Want to take part (for free) in our pilot online program? “Do You Have What It Takes to BE YOURSELF?”  We are launching a 3-week pilot of a self-study course on the Sense of Self Method. This pilot is a complimentary opportunity for a dozen “curious friends of Sense of Self” to experience the material and give…

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Happy Earth Day: Spring is always true to its Self-No matter what!

“April showers bring May flowers.” It’s that time again—despite the “crazy” weather of the past two weeks. In the space of a fifteen minute window it hailed hard and fast, followed by sheets of sideways rain, and then the dark grey clouds dissipated, leaving snowy white clouds hanging in a bright blue sky. And within…

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Invisible motivator

I caught myself – it was only a split second – but I caught myself thinking- or was it a feeling?- yes almost a feeling. It was such an internalized thought that it was almost a feeling…I caught myself feel-thinking, somewhere in the back of my head, almost unnoticeable but I did notice it because…

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Who Am I?

” Who am I?” is the most important question you can pose about the most important project you have going on. How come it is not THE

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De ochtendwandeling – door Deborah Drake (voor HySoS).

“Verdomme” zegt de stem in mijn hoofd. “Dacht ik nou echt net die niet zo tactvolle gedachte omdat ik “Eric” op het pad zag lopen dat ik voor mezelf had willen hebben?” Ja, inderdaad. Ik heb onvriendelijk gedacht over een ander mens om half acht ‘s morgens – als de dag nieuw is en er…

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